Check out the auto loan calculator? The car loan calculator is a quick and easy tool to estimate your Canadian auto loan payments. Enter the vehicle price, down payment, interest rate and trade in below. The car financing calculator will tell you your estimated payment in Canadian dollars.

 Use the sliders or input your own values for estimates.

Price of your new vehicle

Value of your trade-in vehicle

Your existing vehicle loan balance

Your down payment

Duration of your loan

Provincial sales tax

Expected interest rate

Your total amount to be financed will be

Payment Frequency Payment Amount Total Interest to be Paid over the Duration of the Loan
Monthly $0 $0
Bi-weekly $0 $0

 This estimate is an approximation and is not guaranteed. Actual payments may change from the amount provided above.

Car Loan Calculator

car loan calculatorA car loan calculator is a good way to calculate your car loans payment and estimate your monthly budget. Because of the high purchase price of today’s vehicles, most people choose to finance their new or used car in Edmonton and across Canada,as opposed to paying cash. Trying to calculate car loans and car loan payments can be tricky if you have no experience calculating auto loans. There are several values, and factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as vehicle vehicle cost, financing term, trade-in value, cash down payment, and interest rate.

If the car is below a certain value such as $7500, many lenders and banks will not offer financing at all, so calculating your car loan is usually on amounts that are a bit higher than $7500. Our car loan calculator is designed to calculate monthly and bi-weekly car payments. These calculations are car loan payment estimates, and may not reflect exact car loan payment amounts. Some lenders and banks will even offer semi monthly payments or even weekly payments. This can help pay down the loan quicker, and reduce the amount of interest paid over the trem . The car loan calculator below will give you very good estimates on the most common options chosen by people in Edmonton and across Canada. See examples of current Edmonton used vehicle prices and market here.

Budget and Car Loan Calculator

If you’re planning on financing a new or used vehicle, a monthly or bi-weekly budget is most likely the information you are considering most important to you. Using the car loan calculator can help you to determine the what price of a vehicle is in the budget, how much of your own cash you would like to put as a down payment, whether to trade in your vehicle or sell it privately, and how long you might want to finance a vehicle for.

Calculating car loan terms usually depends on the year of the vehicle being financed. For example while a brand new vehicle qualifies for up to 96 months, but car loan calculations for used vehicles are less, and as the vehicles age increases the term of loan will typically decrease.

Calculating a car loan is not always an exact science either, because different lenders may offer slightly different terms based on year, and kilometers of the vehicle. For example a 1or 2 year old vehicle typically qualifies for up to 84 month terms. 3 to 5 years old up to 72 months. 4 and 5 years up to 60 months, 7 and 8 years up to 48 months, 9 to 11 years 24 and 12 months. Kilometers may also play a role in calculating, or estimating the vehicle payments. Typically 20,000 kms per year is about average milage put on by Canadian drivers. The more kilometers on the vehicle, the shorter the finance term is offered. Some lenders will not offer financing on vehicles with more than 180,000 kms.

The car loan calculator will show the overall price, plus including financing fees and taxes. The longer you choose to finance the vehicle the lower the payment is typically. Although a longer term might reflect a lower payment, you will most likely pay more interest over the course of the loan.

It is important to look at the total interest paid over the course of the car loan and compare it with the bi-weekly, or monlty payments. Ideally paying the vehicle off in the shortest amount of time will save you the most money on interest charges. You also want to keep the car loan payments in a safe a comfortable range, in case you hit a rough patch in the term of the loan. You want to assure, that the payments will be made in full, and on time. 

Interest rates are calculated on an annual basis and added to the cost of the vehicle every year. Typically the longer the term and the higher the interest rate, the more you will spend on the cost of borrowing. Interest rates usually vary between 0% and 29.9% depending on how good the credit is. If you are rebuilding your credit or have a slightly higher interest rate, purchasing a lower cost vehicle might make more sense for the short term. Want to talk to a professional? Contact us here.

Trade in your vehicle?

Consider how much your vehicle is worth if you’re trading it in. If you’re trading in a vehicle that’s worth $10000 and you’re buying a vehicle that’s worth $25,000, then you will only have to take an auto loan out for at least $15,000 providing you do not owe money on it still. If you still owe money, you still can trade the vehicle in as long as you do not owe a lot more money than the vehicle is worth.

Calculating a car loan with when there is money owing on it still can be tricky, but our auto loan calculator does it all for you. For example, if your vehicle is worth $5000, but you still owe $10,000 then an additional $5,000 needs to be added onto your new loan. So if you are buying a vehicle for $25,000, then the new price becomes $30,000.

As you can see, there are a number of calculations and factors that determine what your final payment will be. Here is a breakdown of all the components the auto loan calculator uses. Would you like to get some real number? Get prequalified here and find out now. Yes all trade ins are accepted regardless of amount owing. Check out local Alberta used car market.

Car Loan Calculator Components

What are the components or parts that make up an auto loan, and used in our auto loan calculator? Check out the car loan categories below for explanations of how these can affect the car loan calculations in Edmonton Alberta and Canada wide

Vehicle Price

This is the agreed purchase price of the vehicle after any discounts, taxes, rebates, administration, or bank fees. The purchase price may be the one advertised online or one that has been reduced. The additional amount added on is calculated into your final payment and is usually quoted with everything included.

Down Payment?

The down payment is usually money that comes out of pocket, or equity that comes from your trade in vehicle. Down payment will reduce the overall amount to finance. Check out the auto calculator with different amounts of cash down payment to see how your payment reflects this.

You can also check out the calculator with or without your trade-in vehicle to see the difference between trading in, and choosing to sell it privately. There would need to be equity in the trade in vehicle for it to count as down payment. Equity is when the value of the vehicle is more than the trade in allowance given by the dealer. Zero Down Car Loans Here.

Trade-in Value

The trade in value is the amount of money the dealership will pay or allows for the trade in vehicle. The trade in value is usually based on fair market value using tools such as Canadian Black Book, Auto Trader, Kijiji, Facebook Market Place, ADESA Auctions, and other places vehicles are sold both retail and wholesale. The calculated trade in value may be adjusted slightly higher if there is more money owing on the vehicle than its current value. The banks and lenders will only allow a percentage of negative equity to be absorbed into the new vehicle.

Owed On Trade-In

The amount owed on your trade-In is the total buyout from the previous loan. The total amount owning calculated may or may not be above or below the market value of the vehicle. If you owe $5,000 dollars and the vehicle has a fair market value of $15,000, then you are in a positive equity position, but If you owe $20,000 dollars and the vehicle has a fair market value of only $15,000, then you are in a negative equity position, referred to in the industry as being upside down on your trade in value. Don’t worry this is very common and you can still trade your vehicle in. Apply now to find out more. Trade in Car Loans Here.

Sales Taxes and Fees

Sales taxes vary across Canada, deepening on the province you live in. Here in Edmonton and Alberta wide the sales tax is 5%, Saskatchewan & Manitoba 11%, NWT, Yukon, and Nunavut; 11%Saskatchewan; 12% in BC; 12% in Manitoba and Ontario; and 15% in Quebec, PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland.

Trade-in Tax Savings

Trading in your vehicle can save you some money when it comes to sales taxes, because you only pay taxes on the difference calculated. When you trade in your vehicle, the amount you are taxed on is only on the amount remaining after the trade in value. You only need to pay tax on that reduced amount of the sale. It can also reduce your payments in the long term if you are financing. Example, you are trading in an old car and upgrading to a luxury car. In Edmonton Alberta and Alberta wide you will be saving the 5% sales tax. See below example.

  • You buy the new car in Alberta for $60,000
  • You trade in your old car for $20,000.
  • You only pay the 5% GST on the $40,000 difference not $60,000.
  • Your bill would be $62,000 instead of $63,000.
  • Your tax savings is $1000.

Car loan Calculator Interest Rate

The annual interest rate is calculated on the principal per year. Try a few different numbers in the calculator to that you feel might be an interest rate you would get based on your current credit situation. If you are calculating a new car rate it could be as low as 0%. Used vehicle interest rates are usually from at least 3.99% or more for perfect credit and up to about 9.9% for decent credit. If you are trying to rebuild your credit but uncertain about the interest rate, just try some rates between 9.9% and 14.9% to see how this can affect the payment. Calculate interest rates here. If you would like to get prequalified and find out what interest rate you can get apply here now.

Car Loan Term of Financing

The loan term is the time in months your will take to pay off your new vehicle. Loan terms can vary and most people in Edmonton Alberta and Canada will use a longer term to calculate their car loan payment. The longer the term usually reflects a lower payment. Loan terms may vary on the year of the vehicle as well. Older cars may only qualify for 12-24 months, and later model cars fall in the 36-to-84-month range. Try the Canada car loan calculator with different scenarios and see what works best for you.

Car Loan Payment Frequency

Payment frequency depends a lot on how you prefer your cash flow to work. Maybe you get paid bi weekly, semi monthly or even monthly? You can adjust the auto loan calculator to reflect your budget and financing habits. The more payments you make over the set time, the less interest you will be paying over the term of the loan. If you choose to make payments bi weekly for example, the payments per year would be 26, compared to monthly at only 12 payments. Not only do you get a bit lower payment with bi weekly, but the interest over the loan is slightly less as well.

Understanding Car Loan Interest Calculation

When you take out a car loan, the lender will charge you interest on the amount you borrow. The amount of interest you pay will depend on the loan amount, the interest rate, and the loan term. Understanding how to calculate car loan interest is essential in determining how much your monthly payment will be and how much money you will pay in interest over the life of the loan. In this article, we will use a $20,000 car loan as an example to illustrate how car loan interest is calculated.

Understanding how to calculate car loan interest is essential in determining how much you will pay over the life of your loan. By using this example, you can apply the same formula to any car loan amount and interest rate to understand how much interest you will pay over time. It's important to shop around and compare interest rates from different lenders to ensure you're getting the best deal. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision on which loan is best for your financial situation.

APR and How it Affects Car Loan Calculations 

APR is a measure of the cost of borrowing money. It takes into account the interest rate plus any additional fees or charges associated with the loan, and expresses that as a percentage of the total amount borrowed. When you take out a car loan, the lender will charge you interest on the principal amount you borrowed. The APR is the annualized rate at which you'll pay that interest.

APR can have a significant impact on the total cost of your car loan. A higher APR means you'll pay more in interest over the life of the loan, which will increase your monthly payment and the total amount you'll pay back. A lower APR, on the other hand, will save you money on interest and reduce your monthly payment.

Unraveling the Complexities of Car Loan APR: A Complete Breakdown

Calculating the APR on a car loan can be a bit complex. There are a number of factors that can impact the APR, including the interest rate, term of the loan, and any fees or charges associated with the loan. To calculate the APR, you'll need to first determine the total amount you'll pay over the life of the loan, including principal and interest. You'll then need to factor in any fees or charges, such as origination fees or prepayment penalties, to determine the total cost of the loan. Once you have those figures, you can use a formula to calculate the APR.

It's worth noting that the APR you receive on a car loan may vary depending on your credit score and other factors. Lenders typically offer lower APRs to borrowers with good credit scores, while higher-risk borrowers may be charged a higher APR. Additionally, the length of the loan can also impact the APR, with longer-term loans generally having higher rates than shorter-term loans.

When shopping for a car loan, it's important to pay attention to the APR as well as the interest rate. Be sure to factor in any fees or charges, and compare APRs from multiple lenders to find the best deal. By understanding how APR works and how it affects your car loan, you can make more informed decisions when it comes to financing your car purchase.

APR is a key factor to consider when financing a car purchase. By understanding what it is and how it affects your loan, you can make better decisions and potentially save money in the long run. Be sure to compare APRs from multiple lenders, factor in any fees or charges, and consider the length of the loan when shopping for car financing. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of car loan APR and make the best choice for your financial situation.

Estimate Car Loan Payments, Esitmate Car Loan Interest, Estimate Auto Loan terms, Estimate Auto Loan Down Payments, & Estimate Car Loan Budget all with the Car Loan Payment Estimation Calculator.

More Questions about Car Loan Payment Calculations & Interest rates in Edmonton & Canada?

We are happy to answer any question related to your current car loan, future auto loan, past auto loan history. You can apply for a no obilgation car loan pre approval and learn more by clicking here to get started. Still have questions about auto loans, financing and car loan calculations and car loan payments? Call or message us now to find out more?


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